Kou1Isekai Wikia
Spoiler Spoiler Alert: This article contains spoilers. Read at your own risk.

真の姫君 (ひめ)
The Real Princess
Volume Navigation 9 10 11
Chapter Navigation Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Epilogue


Part 1[]

Somewhere at Phyllis Kingdom's Jugurtha, Abib villagers were about to prepare their rebellion only to see Phyllis soldiers arrive with wheat supplies. Rather than attacking the soldiers, with one of them explained that it was Metis's order to distribute the wheats, the villagers ran straight to the wheat and bake the bread for food. The bread tasted so delicious that they forgot about the rebellion, effectively ending Jugurtha's rebellion against Phyllis.

Part 2[]

(TO be added...) Jugurtha

Part 3[]

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Part 4[]

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Part 5[]

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Part 6[]

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Part 7[]

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Part 8[]

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Part 9[]

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Part 10[]

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Part 11[]

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Characters (By Appearance Order)[]

Highlighted Notes[]

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